Alpine-Mediterranean spa town
The arcades of Merano
News Opening hours of the Marling ice skating rink: Tue – Wed – Thu: 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM | Fri: 2:00 PM – 9:00 PM | Sat – Sun: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM


Alpine-Mediterranean spa town

On October 16, 1870, Merano witnessed a historic moment: Empress Elisabeth of Austria, better known as Sisi, arrived in the city by the Passer River with her entourage of 102 people. The recently opened Brenner railway brought the Empress to Trauttmansdorff Castle, where maids, governesses, ladies-in-waiting, and many other servants were in her service for months.

During her stay, Sisi enjoyed the mild air of Merano, going for walks, horseback riding, and hiking, all while hoping for the recovery of her ailing daughter, Marie Valerie, who soon regained her health. The arrival of the Empress brought new glory to the spa town of Merano, founded in 1836, and thrust it into the spotlight of the European aristocracy. Although Dr. Bernhard Mazegger Sr. had already established the first guesthouse, "Freihof," in 1840, it was the imperial visit that marked the definitive breakthrough.

Soon, wealthy travelers, spa guests, and the elite from across Europe – from America to Russia – flocked to Merano. Over the decades, magnificent villas were built, along with the famous Kurhaus, the city theater, and the spa house. In 1873, the city’s streets were illuminated by gas lighting, casting Merano in a new light. Merano became not only renowned as a healing spa destination but also a fashionable retreat for those seeking luxury, health, and culture. The city now stood as a symbol of elegance, wellness, and worldly charm.
The Gardens of Trauttmansdorff Castle
The Gardens of Trauttmansdorff Castle
Art and nature have been blending since 2001 at the Gardens of Trauttmansdorff Castle, set in a natural amphitheatre on the eastern outskirts of Merano, with ...
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Terme Merano
Terme Merano
The Merano Thermal Baths are located in the heart of the city. Nowhere else in South Tyrol is there such a centrally located natural oasis. The five-hectare ...
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The Arcades
The Arcades
The Arcades connect Piazza Duomo with Piazza del Grano. They were built, according to tradition, in the middle of the 13th century, in accordance with the ...
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The Prince's Castle
The Prince's Castle
This castle was the residence of the Prince of Tyrol since 1470 and it is one of the most remarkable testaments of the Merano of the past centuries. It is one ...
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The St. Nikolaus cathedral
The St. Nikolaus cathedral
This cathedral is dedicated to Saint Nicholas, the patron saint of merchants, entrepreneurs and carters. It stands in what was once the commercial center of ...
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Palais Mamming Museum
Palais Mamming Museum
The Palais Mamming Museum is located in a newly renovated Baroque palace in Piazza Duomo and hosts the collections of the civic museum. The permanent ...
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Women´s Museum
Women´s Museum
The only such museum in Italy, it overlooks Piazza del Grano.The upper floor houses the permanent collection about fashion and objects used by women in their ...
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Marling - Marlengo Marling - Marlengo 24 hours ago
Marling - Marlengo

🏔✨ Vigiljoch: Ein Winterparadies voller Stille und Natur! ✨🏔

Abseits der großen Skigebiete erwartet euch hier pure Ruhe und Entspannung. Sanfte Abfahrten auf fünf Kilometern Naturschneepisten und idyllische Winterwanderwege laden dazu ein, die kalte Jahreszeit zu genießen. ❄️🌲

Ob eine gemütliche Abfahrt auf familienfreundlichen Hängen oder eine Wanderung auf Schneeschuhpfaden – das Vigiljoch verzaubert alle Naturliebhaber und Ruhesuchenden. Schneeschuhe gibt’s direkt an der Talstation zum Ausleihen, sodass einem spontanen Winterabenteuer nichts im Weg steht. 🤍🚠✨

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🎄 Marlinger Eiszauber – Eine Woche voller Genuss und Bewegung! ❄️⛸️

📅 Dienstag, 17. Dezember – Sonntag, 22. Dezember
Der Tischtennisclub Marling verwöhnt euch diese Woche mit Gaumenfreuden:
☕ Täglich: Kaffee & hausgemachte Kuchen
🍲 Freitag bis Sonntag: Zusätzlich gibt's herzhafte, warme Tagessuppen

⛸️ Dienstag, 17. Dezember | 17:00 – 18:00 Uhr
Der Hockeyclub Meran Junior lädt zum gemeinsamen Schlittschuhtraining ein! 🎉
💡 Hier könnt ihr mit einem professionellen Eishockeytrainer auf dem Eis durchstarten.

✨ Kommt vorbei und lasst euch kulinarisch & sportlich verwöhnen! 🎅

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Mögt ihr Zelten?

Marling - Marlengo Marling - Marlengo 10 days ago
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Das neue Gastgeberverzeichnis 2025 von Marling ist da! 🥰🥳

Gerne senden wir es euch kostenlos per Post oder E-Mail zu. 📧📨

Meldet euch einfach direkt in der Tourismusinformation Marling per E-Mail oder Telefon oder fragt online unter an.

Viel Spaß beim Durchblättern! 😊✨

Marling - Marlengo Marling - Marlengo 12 days ago
Marling - Marlengo

🏔✨ Marling: Perfekter Ausgangspunkt für den Winterurlaub! ✨🏔

Marling liegt ideal, um mitten ins Winterabenteuer zu starten! Ob Skifahren, Rodeln, Eislaufen, Snowboarden, Schneeschuhwandern oder gemütliche Winterspaziergänge – von hier aus erreicht ihr schnell die schönsten Wintersportgebiete Südtirols. ❄️⛷️🛷

Genießt tagsüber die traumhaften Pisten und Pfade und lasst den Tag abends in der entspannten Atmosphäre Marlings ausklingen. Der perfekte Mix aus Aktivurlaub und Erholung erwarten euch! 🤍✨ Seid ihr Team Skifahren, Rodeln oder Wandern?

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